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Call Out - Join the MERYC England board of trustees


We are looking to expand the membership of the board of trustees of this small charity at our next AGM in January 2024. We are seeking individuals who share the aims and ethos of MERYC England and who would be willing to attend four online meetings per year. We are looking for trustees who would be interested in areas such as: organisation of conferences and seminars, communication and promotion of the charity's work and administrative operation of the charity. You'll gain valuable experience in all these areas working alongside current board members.

"Being a MERYC England trustee is very satisfying. The feeling of contributing to the growth and advancement of an area of music education that has been my life and passion is incredibly rewarding." Trustee Comment

More information about MERYC England, their aims and ethos, can be found on the website:

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are welcome in the first instance, providing details of why you would like to become a trustee, how you share MERYC England’s aims and ethos, and what you would bring to the role. (max 350 words)

Please email EOI to by 5pm on 27th November 2023.

Taken from MERYC England’s constitution:

The objects of the charity are to:

To advance the musical education of children aged 0 to 5 years in England by:

i. promoting the integration of research, theory and practice by organising and

funding meetings for that purpose;

ii. supporting research initiatives that serve to increase the quantity and quality

of early childhood musical experiences;

iii. encouraging evidence-based practice, critical reflection and the adoption of

principles of social justice;

iv. reviewing polices that affect early childhood musical experiences and


v. promoting Early Childhood Music Education (ECME) in National, European

and International meetings;

vi. connecting with organisations and schemes whose aims and activities

concord with MERYC principles.



Centre for Research in Early Childhood,

St Thomas Children’s Centre,
Bell Barn Road, Attwood Green, Birmingham, B15 2AF


+44(0)121 464 0020


MERYC ENGLAND  registered charity no.1169504

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